Saying we were nervous about seeing our parents for the first time in a year is a whopper of an understatement, but luckily, Hannah, Katie, Evan and I had Sierra Leone's own Star beer to ease us into it. My mom and Denny were here for one phenomenal week and, though they left nearly three weeks ago, I can't walk around without every other person requesting their exact location and state of health. They kept on calling their experience here a blessing, and while I have on occasion found their language a tad dramatic (just a tad, and mom you know I love you!), they nailed it this time. I try to the best of my ability to write out how special this experience is, and how charming and warm the culture is, and how freaking beautiful it is around here; but being able to actually prove to my parents (and maybe myself too) that I am truly excelling at living just by being here is something I will never forget.
And speaking of things I won't soon forget, a gigantic thank you to Mark Liu, Carla Reed, and the folks at for all their hard work on Completed Project #2: the St. Peter's website!! It is our hope to raise money for projects we're working on as well as let everyone back home get a little glimpse of life in Bauya.
We're currently beginning the groundwork on three projects that will pay teachers, build a library, and improve the students' farming skills. The great thing about these projects is that they have not only been the idea of the administration and staff of St. Peter's, but the projects and budgets have been written by my principal. It was and is my belief that the only way I would ever get involved in secondary projects is if I am nothing but a supporting figure in the background, a link between the school and the money.
I mention this because if we can accomplish these projects, and that's an enormous if based on the amount of funds required, it will be because the principal and staff of St. Peter's, the local stakeholders, and the community at large made it happen. Our goal is to both improve the quality of education and give the gift of education to the children of a once-great nation, and to aid them in returning it to its former greatness. The children of Sierra Leone were born into their situation, they did not create it. But they're the only ones who can transform it, so let's help them:
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